Monday, 5 October 2015


Hello everyone! Now here is a post that I never thought I would ever be writing and posting, but that's right, a miracle happened and I landed myself a job as a sales assistant at Lush Cosmetics! its still kinda unreal that I can say that I actually have a job, because I have never ever had a proper job anywhere in my whole life, and to say that my first job will be at Lush? I couldn't be happier.
This post is probably going to be a huge mass of words, but I feel like just typing away and getting lost with myself instead of talking about items and recommending things! so if you keep up with this post, you're a good un! This is gonna be a long one because I don't really fancy cutting everything out, as I just want a good old ramble.


I have been searching for a job for so many months now, I was actually starting to lose hope because it was getting to the point where I was constantly sending out e-mails and receiving no replies whatsoever, and even if I did the replies would be along the lines of  "thanks but no thanks" and "we'll keep your CV handy". Literally everyone was losing hope for me and a job, I even had family members constantly telling my parents about vacancies for me. I was getting extremely tired of everyone else having jobs, having my parents on my back 24/7 about not having a job and most importantly people having their own money doing whatever they wanted with it, I kinda started to feel a little left out because everyone else was gaining money and being able to do and buy all sorts of things. Not to mention the fact that I am always lusting for clothing, vinyl records and other bits of junk that I see out and about as well as online. It's extremely painful having such strong desires for items and not being able to have them, after all an 18 year old cant keep relying on birthday and christmas money from their parents and other relatives to buy things they want.

So one day I was lounging around on the sofa in the summer holidays (around August) and decided to do something productive with my time, so I searched the internet for available sales assistant jobs in Manchester. Of course with this I had no luck, so I reverted to e-mailing stores I fancied working at directly, Lush being one of them. In Manchester there are three Lush stores (Trafford Centre, Manchester Arndale and Market Street), and as a huge lushie myself, I knew that working at the store would be the dream part time job for me. I e-mailed all three of the stores, cause you never know (even though my hopes weren't at all high). Believe it or not I got a reply from the Lush store in the Arndale a few days later, and got turned down, and I didn't even get replies from the two other Lush stores, so I just passed this off as another failed attempt.

However around 3 weeks ago (I think), I was going about my own business, onesie on, putting on make up ready for the day, with my earphones in blasting out Fleetwood Mac. As I have been an iPhone lover for a few good years now, I am well aware that when the music stops there is something coming through, be it an e-mail, notification and in my case, a call. When I looked at who was calling I noticed that it was no one in my contact list. At first I thought it was gonna be one of those PPI things and for a few minutes I contemplated turning it down, as it was an unknown number. I noticed that the number began with 0161, which is a Manchester number, so I assumed it was going to be my University questioning me on something, or some complication.

Unbeknown to me, a really jolly woman was on the other end of the phone, stating that she was from the Lush store in the Trafford Centre, so as you can imagine by this point I was completely off my head with excitement as well as shocked, if Im honest my first thoughts where why the hell are lush raining me, I haven't been in for a few weeks and how did they get my number?! I'm sure the woman thought I was a little crazy because I was all high pitched and excitable, at least she was laughing! To cut a long story short, the lovely woman at the other end of the phone offered me an interview at the Lush store...oh my goodness. On the call I was given details of the time and place of the interview, along with the fact that this was a group interview and that I had to take an item that "represented" myself. What I really loved about this call was that I didn't feel really pressured as there was a wide range of times to pick from, which is really useful if you're not that flexible. I ended up picking a Saturday so I could prepare myself, as I really didn't want to mess this up.


So around a week after the call, it was the day of the interview, DUN DUN DUUUUN. It felt so weird being at lush not for shopping but for an actual job interview?! Going from no replies from any company whatsoever to waiting around for a job interview at Lush is a pretty big deal for me. After a few hours of roaming round the store looking at the products I realised that there where a lot of people around my age carrying items and looking at the products themselves, so I gathered these where my fellow interviewees. Normally you kinda see people like these as competition, but I don't think I had ever met a lovely group of people, they where all so chatty and we where all as nervous as each other, so we where all in the same boat, so you're definitely not on your own. We all kinda got the impression we where all there for the interview and in the end there was a big group of us all socialising on the shop floor talking about the items we brought! it was already like an ice-breaker and it took away that awkwardness. I think being in a group of really nice people makes that interview process a lot more relaxed and puts you more at ease.

With the volunteered meeting and greeting over with we where all called upstairs to the stock room, where our group interview was going to take place, guided by the manager (who is possibly the friendliest woman I've come across) and the lovely fellow who trains up newbies. With everyone sat in a circle, the manager and trainee fellow (I'm bad with names ahh!) gave us all a little few minute talk about the background history on the store, what you'd be doing in the interview, along with their beliefs and ethics and all that jazz. This part was actually rather interesting and it wasn't the kind of talk where they where forcing their opinions on you and making out that you have to follow if you ended up working for them, they where so relaxed and through in a little comedy then and there, and that is exactly what you need in an interview experience as it does make you feel a little more comfortable.  The atmosphere wasn't at all tense, serious or "I'm gonna judge you if you're no good", it was more like"lets have a good time and start the interview progress!" vibe. The manager and trainee fellow where very open minded and listened to everything you had to say and seemed very eager to

With all the introductory stuff done it was time to go down to business. With the group explaining what they had brought I had started to feel a little distressed because I was really pleased with what I was seeing, but one thing that you need to remember is not to give up if everyone else is pleasing you, you just need to focus on yourself and you get all flustered you'll definitely regret it afterwards, I found that keeping your cool and just going with the flow is the best thing to do.

The item in which I decided to take and discuss was a sketchbook in which I previously created and completed on a Graphic Design course at college. Featured inside the sketchbook was a branding project in which I had written the brief to, which involved nature inspiring a beauty brand. I decided to take this item with me as it shows how fun and creative I am, as well as showing how dedicated and hardworking I am towards things. If you ever go to a group interview at Lush, I recommend bringing something that you can relate to the working industry, and obviously what represents you as a person (as this is what is asked for anyway) don't just bring a book and end up saying "because I like it". Try and be rather edgy and memorable.

When all was said and done there was a second part to the interview in which I had read about online (yes, I gathered as much info on the interview before hand because I wanted the job that much, as well as preparing and being ready for anything the interview may throw at me) and this involved being put into groups of three and demoing (is that even a word?) a given product within this group and then reflecting the demonstration in your threes (or whatever number you're put into) to your two interviewers. Obviously when you're in an interview you're gonna be kinda nerve-wracking, and some people may freak out at the fact of getting straight in and demoing a product, but in all honesty its not that bad, as you're most definitely not thrown in the deep end and not expected to know the whole history and ingredients in the product and recite it all perfectly. The manager gave us all a Lush catalogue with our given product on the open page, and then she stated a nice amount of info on the product, as well as a mini demo on ourselves, so we knew what to do with it. Along with this she told us that everything we needed to know that she had just spoke about was in the given book, and indeed it was. The product me and my group got was Angels On Bare Skin (face cleanser), so we got straight to work and discussed what products where inside, what the products benefited us for, how our skin felt after trying the product on our hands (as obviously we couldnt do it on out faces because we all had our make up on) as well as practicing demos on each other. I should also mention that you can take notes on what you're going to say, and whats in the products and all that jazz, as I said, they really don't expect you to know and remember everything. Equipment wise we where provided with a small silver bowl filled with water and kitchen roll so it was easy for us to tidy up afterwards, oh along with paper and a pen.

Demoing the product to the interviewers is exactly as it says on the tin, you just work in your team and talk about/demo the product as if the interviewees where the customers themselves. When doing this part I did loose my nerve a little because I do think I ended up repeating myself once or twice, but I'm sure this is expected. The only people I focused on in this part was my group and the interviewees, because really they're who you're impressing, if you get a little nervous talking infront of people just ignore the fact that everyone else is watching you, after all you might not see some of them again, unless you work with them of course, and don't forget everyone is probably feeling the same. Just don't let those nerves take over.

With demos done, the interview was over. Next to come was the easiest event of the interview, and that was writing down your details (name, phone number and availability), and like all interviews, there was a a "any questions" section. All I wanted to know was when we where going to be hearing back from them, because that's how excited I was. I was supplied with the answer that we would hear back on the Monday (the day of the interview was a Friday), which I was completely fine with, but I really didnt want to fill my head with the idea of getting the job and how good it would be to have it, but little did I know that I would actually be phoned up that very night and get told that I had a trial shift the following week. Also at the end of the interview we where given a bath bomb (mine was Rose Bombshell), which I thought was the cutest little touch!

I was (and still am) extremely impressed Lush got back to me the following night of the interview, it really got a lot of worrying of my chest as I felt like I got my heart really set on the job and would be literally devastated if I hadn't, as as I keep saying I am absolutely obsessed with Lush and even being in a job interview there gave off great working vibes. Again with the phone call announcing I had been successful I was offered a nice amount of dates and times to come to a hour long trial shift, which again I think is brilliant for anyone who leads a rather busy life. I was also informed on Lush's uniform, which is simply anything black and white, which I actually rather love because this means that I dont have to fuss around what clothes to wear! (this always seems like a problem for me).


The trial shift was about a week after my interview success, and the most important feeling that I felt when going into the shop  was confidence and excitement, as I definitely didn't want to be the girl who stood in a corner who watched the world go by, and I really didn't want to be the kind of employee who didn't have any fun in them, because really I am a extremely excitable and enthusiastic when it comes to myself and Lush as a whole. When I arrived at the store (on time, as this is extremely important) I did feel a little nervous because I have never had a trial shift before, but yet again I wasn't thrown in at the deep end and was offered a lovely amount of support and advice from the manager, and another worker at the store gave me a little brush up on all the products and what they did, along with a few demo examples. This may seem a lot to take in when you read it but its all broken down and most of it is general knowledge anyway. I have a real interest in Lush products so the information for me stuck in my head and didn't just drift out of one ear and out of the other.

What I love about Lush is that they constantly state that they do not expect you to know every product inside and out, what certain ingredients do and all that jazz, as this comes over time anyway. I really want to emphasise this point because from what I've read about, people see it as a worry, when it really isn't. Of course if you know a few things that would really help and benefit you, but its not like you need a complete Lush library stored in your brain.

So with all the basics done and dusted, my hour trial as a lush employee began. I was handed a black apron, tied it around my waist, and thats when I knew the fun was about to begin. I will admit normally I am a rather nervous person and get extremely shaky, but I ended up bouncing out of the back and onto the shop floor ready for the hour ahead, so that really shows how comfortable I felt! One thing that the Lush people wanted to see was demos demos demos. I guess it shows that you're capable of interacting with customers and not the kind of person who stands in a corner and gives out the odd smile. It sounds rather scary at first, but its actually a great experience for yourself, and once you've done one, you want to do loads more. I did around three bath bomb demos, one bubble bar demo as well as a demo on angels on bare skin (this came in very handy as I gained this skill from the interview), so I feel like I did the job right. You may feel a little silly doing bath bomb demos, or any demos on people for that matter, but I found that a lot of people where actually interested in having one, so its not half as bad as you think! If you are asked whats in a product and you have absolutely no idea, don't run off and leave them hanging, give a quick look on the pot/description, it will state its ingredients and will probably state its benefits. As well as giving out demos, keeping things tidy and in place is always important, especially if the shop is getting a little on the quiet side. It's also important to be really friendly, talk to the customers, if you see someone looking at or holding a product you like, just pop over and talk about it with them! obviously don't make it sound scripted just be yourself! Occasionally I have come across reviews and things about shopping experiences at Lush, and I've seen people have said that the employees jump on you, hover over you and are in your face like "HEY YOU OKAY THERE?!" but Lush where like there's not really a need to be like that and thats definitely not the intention with customers!

There was this guy working in store who was obviously an already existing employee, and he approached me a few times giving me advice and stating I was doing well. This wasn't a patronising thing, he we being genuinely nice and I thought it was an extremely nice to approach a newbie and help them as well as giving them confidence.

The hour of the trial shift was so extremely fun. Demos, looking at all the products, getting to know the staff, and having conversations with the customers as well as hearing positive feedback was all part of the wonderful experience. I was actually rather sad when the hour was over, I would of loved to of volunteered for another hour!

Over all I give my experience with Lush so far a 10/10. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity the gave me, as I said, I have absolutely no experience to my name and no one has even considered me for any kind of job, and to me Lush seemed like the dream part time job i'd never have, but it just shows that Lush are willing to give anyone a chance, no matter what the experience, hair colour, skin colour you name it. I have rambled on for absolutely ages now and if you have read this all the way through, you're fabulous!

As well as writing this as kinda like a experience post I hope this may be somewhat useful to anyone who may be applying to Lush as a sales assistant. Don't forget all this post was based on my personal experience, everyone else will be different!

If you have any questions or queries about a Lush interview/trial shift, drop me a comment, I am more than happy to answer anything!

Also, to anyone who's looking for a job, keep on trying, e-mailing and handing in CV's, and don't ever think that a store won't take you on, just try and you'll never know.


  1. I know this is an old post but I have a couple of questions, i have an Interview for lush tomorrow and I'm supposed to bring a item that represents me I am taking my teddy rabbit as I feel rabbits are my spirit animal, is this boring? Or shall I take something else. Also I have social anxiety in large groups so I don't know if I'll cope well with group demonstrations, will this affect my chances? I really want this job more than anything and I don't want to mess it up, any advice you have will be appreciated thank you

  2. I know this is an old post but I have a couple of questions, i have an Interview for lush tomorrow and I'm supposed to bring a item that represents me I am taking my teddy rabbit as I feel rabbits are my spirit animal, is this boring? Or shall I take something else. Also I have social anxiety in large groups so I don't know if I'll cope well with group demonstrations, will this affect my chances? I really want this job more than anything and I don't want to mess it up, any advice you have will be appreciated thank you

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  5. you are just fab. much love!

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