Sunday, 9 July 2017


Hey everyone!
Well its been a while hasn't it?! I very rarely post on this blog any more, Im so busy with my passion for illustration I kind of forget about the other things I used to do before I used to dedicate 95% of my time to drawing! So I'm back for a little bit, and to get me back into business, I thought why dont I write about one of my other passions?

Music is S U C H an important thing in my life, I'm not the type of person who occasionally puts the radio when I feel like it, I listen to music as if it's going out of fashion, I'm pretty sure a lot of us are the same and on some level can understand how important music actually is!

Im not the type of girl who listens to one particular band or genre, I used to be, but that's no way to live life right? I love so many songs it's hard to keep track, I've got to say my Spotify playlists are my pride and joy, so what better way to kick off another blog post talking about my top 10 favourite songs at the moment!

 I Dare You - The XX
The XX have been one of those bands who's name I've heard floating around, but could never say Ive  even listened to one of their songs. Of course that changed a few weeks ago. I was watching Jools Holland, that show is something I adore to watch, as I've discovered so many different artists from his show as well as completely LOVING his show during the new year. Anyway to get back on track, The XX obviously performed I Dare You, and it was just one of those songs that I instantly clicked with (I could tell this due to the fact I put it STRAIGHT onto my Spotify playlists during my first ever listen) and kept on re-winding until I decided it was time to watch the rest of the show. To me, I Dare You is one of those songs you can listen to so many times and not get sick of, it's so easy on the ears yet the kind of song that will easily be stuck in your head for a while. Its rather creepy in a calming sort of way, I guess you'd have to listen to it to find out!

- Little of Your Love / Want You Back/ You Never Knew - HAIM
Okay just to get this out there, I have LOVED Haim ever since their first album, Days are Gone. I am completely OBSESSED with these girlies and the new release of their album Something To Tell You have helped me dig up these feelings of obsession. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing extremely talented ladies within the music industry, and considering most of the artists I listen to are men, its always an inspiring change, and not to mention the fact that they're all sisters?! they're such a precious band. I will be honest, I haven't listened to their new album fully as of yet, but I am most familiar with Little of Your Love and Want You Back. Both of these songs capture the unique summer like energy in which Haim possess, and trust me when I say that Want You Back s e r i o u s l y gets stuck in your head! (I'm not complaining). You Never Knew is literally my ALL TIME FAVOURITE SONG AT THE MOMENT! its such an ace song, HAIM's sound is just so unique and gentle, and so is this song, its just amazing thats all I have to say.

- Late Night - Foals
I think that most of us have a song on a playlist that we skip most of the time, and that song for me is Late Night by Foals (well, not any more). The reasoning behind the skipping is far from the fact that I don't like the song (why would I even have it on a playlist anyway if I didn't like it?!) but it was simply due to the fact that I get stuck in my ways when listening to music, and when I'm in the zone, I stick to songs that I fully know. I first added Late Night to my playlist when I watched Foals' performance at Glastonbury last year on TV, and the song possessed something I hadn't heard before. I dont really know why I constantly skipped it whenever it came on shuffle, I add songs to my playlists for a reason! Late Night is pure perfection musically, theres just something about it that I love that I cant really say, I don't know if its possible to say that a song can create an aesthetic? Late Night is just so calming and a kind of song that can get you thinking. 

- Black Magic - The Amazons 
If you haven't listened to The Amazons yet, just do it, now. Forget the rest of this post and listen to them. Black Magic is legitimately on repeat all day every day, including the acoustic version, its perfection in every single way possible, there's not really much more I can say!

- Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon - Urge Overkill
Pulp Fiction is my fave film of all time (along with Kill Bill), so much so Mia Wallace is the inso behind my short hair. Whenever I listen to this song, I cant help but  have a good time and dance around like darling Mia (minus the cocaine).

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